If you are looking for ways to add a touch of green and life to your interior, adding a few indoor plants can be your best bet. Indoor plants add greener tones to your décor and are also beneficial for your health, as many of them can purify the indoor air.
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What’s more, some of the best indoor plants for homes take up minimum space, require very little maintenance. And bloom all year round, giving you a chance to grow your plants, even while residing in a flat on the top floor of a high-rise.
Top 10 Indoor Plants
Keen to add some indoor plants to your interior? Here are some outstanding choices to view.
1. Succulents
With their intriguing and intricate shapes, succulents are hugely popular indoor and outdoor plants. These little gems vary in shape, size, color, and height. They represent a superb indoor display arranged in individual pots lined up on a counter or window ledge or grown en masse as a counter focal point.
Echeveria, sedum, lithops, and haworthia are all easily found and decorative and love a bright, sunny spot. Avoid humid areas such as bathrooms or kitchens; opt for dry conditions with warm temperatures from 64-75℉ (18 – 24°C). Allow the fertilizer to dry out fully before watering thoroughly, escaping the rosettes or glaucous leaves, as this will cause the plant to wither.
2. Philodendron
Try a philodendron if you are after a tall, upright plant that won’t invade your space. A wide leaved climber applauding from the Caribbean, it embraces bright light positions. But can also endure with a slice of shade. A real and rich climber, it can be trained up a mossy pole and looks wonderful in a grown planter.
These plants will bloom on almost all grades of humidity. However, putting them in high humidity climates will favor broader leaves,’ express the plant professionals at Hortology. They also recommend, ‘Build the bushiness of this plant by squeezing out after a leaf node on separate stems. It will build up off shoots and more branches, meaning more leaves.’
You won’t be left wanting with over 489 species to choose from. Referring to a humid climate, mist your plant or place it in a steamy bathroom. Temperatures of between 60-75℉ (16–24°C) are excellent for this beauty and remember it can grow up to 13ft (4m), so you may need to shorten it as desired.
3. Bromeliads
Fascinating and exceptionally colored – these tropical plants love bright sunny spots. And are easy-to-grow, dependable house plants. From the focal point of the thick tube-like rosettes of foliage, the plant delivers a splendidly shaded bloom spike. This can be fuchsia, orange, yellow or red, contingent upon the assortment. And they make a breathtaking indoor component.
In the wild, water typically gathers in the lowest ‘cup’ of leaves, impersonating this while watering the plant indoors. Empty the water weekly to eliminate any collected bugs and trash.
Enthusiasts of a steady temperature of 59℉ (15°C), these unusual plants likewise appreciate their leaves being moistened once a week during summer.
Increase humidity further by standing the plant on a rock-filled saucer partially loaded with water. Abstain from leaving the roots in standing water, however, as this can make the plant choke.
4. Maidenhair fern
It can make a beautiful addition to your home if you are prepared to give a Maidenhair Fern the tender, love and care it needs. They have feathery, light green leaves with soft, shiny stems. Making great hanging indoor plants for home decor. Maidenhair fern likes moisture, preferably in the air.
Keep it out of solid light, and moisten the air by misting and water mixing weekly. DIY a rainforest climate by setting a saucer loaded with rocks beneath the potted plant.
Fill the saucer with water just below the top of the rocks; as the water evaporates, it creates a humid microclimate around the plant.
5. Snake Plant
The striped and twisting sword-like leaves make this plant so dramatic. Strenuous and extremely drought permissive, it is usually referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue – and makes the ideal showstopper on a side table or lying nicely in a corner.
There are plenty of snake plants to choose from, including dwarf varieties such as Sansevieria fischeri at 16 inches (40cm) up to 3-4ft (91-121cm) for Masoniana and trifasciata types. Comparatively slow maturing, they can endure with poor light conditions but will grow faster in brighter conditions.
Native to west Africa, these plants can stay outside HDSA zones 9-12. They will die if left below 50℉ or exposed to frost. During spring and summer, water once a week but drops to once a month in fall and winter when the plant is dormant.
With long pointy leaves growing straight up from the roots. The low-light indoor plants have a unique appearance and are beneficial for your health. It is because, unlike other indoor plants for home, it gives off oxygen at night, making it the right fit for your bedroom. It grows in poor light conditions, requiring very little water and care.
6. Rubber Plant
The Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) could be the ideal houseplant for you. if you want a challenging but easy-going indoor plant that can reach staggering heights within just a few years. The shiny glossy leaves look inordinate in most homes. And although young plants start small, they will rapidly fill the planetary in an empty corner.
Dim lighting and sufficient water are the ideal conditions for growing rubber indoor tree plants. Its lustrous leaves that are occasionally tinged purple or beige will boost charisma to your interior. While eliminating toxic gases and substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other toxins from the air. You might need to trim it occasionally to maintain its growth.
7. Peace Lily
Want a moderate-maintenance flowering beauty to boost grace to your indoors?. Peace Lily plants for indoor home with graceful white flowers will beautify your interior and purify the air. Moreover, they continue to bloom all year round in low-light conditions but require an excellent spot below room temperature to survive.
The epitome of elegance, the Peace lily, with its glossy tear-shaped leaves. And pure white flowers, is one of the most popular house indoor plants. Effortlessly chic, they radiate tranquility and simplicity but can sometimes be a little temperamental.
They pick soggy soil, but the great news is that these plants will inform you when they are dehydrated as the leaves will wither. Pop it next to the shower with a water spray for the occasional boost or mist.
Ward off direct sunlight reaching the foliage as it will melt, but place it in a light, bright spot for the strongest vivid green leaves. This plant gets around 30 inches high (75cm) and will bloom in temperatures 64-75℉ (18-24°C) but can endure with lows of 53℉ (12°C).
8. Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are indoor house plants that can easily survive indoors. They have large flowers in bright colors but require a sunny spot away from direct sunlight to bloom.
It is best to keep the soil moist for the best results. Along with providing that added beauty to your home, chrysanthemums also work as air purifiers round-the-clock. Removing harmful compounds like formaldehyde and benzene from the indoor air.
9. Bamboo Palm
Growing like bamboo, this indoor plant is perfect for rooms where it can get indirect sunlight and shade and is watered regularly. These plants for home indoor can adapt quickly to low-light conditions and purify the indoor air from formaldehyde, chloroform, benzene, carbon monoxide, and other hazardous compounds.
10. Aloe Vera
While Aloe Vera is best known for its numerous health benefits and healing properties, it is also an air-purifying gem. Cleaning the air of by-products of cleaning chemicals and paints. These spiky plants indoor from the cactus family loves their daily dose of sunshine and can grow with minimal watering.
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