6 Common mistakes while purchasing solar energy panels for residential or commercial buildings is our blog topic of the day. These mistakes are not in any particular sequence and usually apply to all solar energy systems.
Number 1: Daylight Hours Vs. Sun Hours
A sun hour is a precise unit of measurement for solar panel systems or solar power systems defined as the “period in a day when solar panel energy produces maximum”. So when it’s summertime, everybody thinks that as the day is super long the result will get more energy but actually, it is not that simple.
Even during long summers, you may have 12 to 14 hours of daylight and the energy solar panels are working overwhelmingly. But in reality, the solar energy panels are producing energy only close to their maximum capacity for 6 sun hours.
For the rest of the day, the sun still shines but the solar panel will function just at a reduced rate. So the conclusion is that you have to consider the sun hours in your area instead of daylight if you go for a new solar panel installation.
Number 2: Buying Without Defining The Load
Purchasing without usage calculations is the most common solar energy panels mistake. There are various electrical and electronic devices; each one has different power consumption. Usually, many of you are not aware of energy consumption rates. So, the question here is how do we suppose to know the energy consumption? Well, there are a couple of different methods;
- Number one is to get a device from your local market that will measure your electricity consumption over time.
- Number two, most of the appliances and electronic devices come with operation manuals and information about the device that gives you an estimate. Always read the manual book of all large appliances like air conditioners, heaters, dryers, microwaves, stoves, and refrigerators. By this at least you get an understanding of those big devices and then you will have a pretty good clue of what you’re going to consume.
These calculations will guide you to purchase and install the correct type of solar energy paneles system for your use. So buying before defining your load is the same as buying a house without knowing who’s going to live there.
Number 3: Decrease the Usage
There are different approaches to saving your electricity usage before installing expensive solar energy systems. You are going to spend a healthy amount of bucks on a whole new energy solar panels installation but you can save these by just carefully upgrading your devices.
Simply replace incandescent light bulbs and go for LED lighting, choose new energy Saving and inverter appliances. Do some math tricks with your consumption and you may save your electricity bills without going to an expensive energy solar system. You don’t have to buy now because you made that energy-saving step already.
Number 4: Unrealistic Expectations
However, if you are interested in solar energy panels whether you’re wanting to go green or you want to save money, you need to know the limitations of what you’re getting from the solid energy system. Let’s suppose you have an inverter 1.5 Ton AC of 2K watts and you want it to run for the whole day and night.
For this simple task, you need to have a minimum of 8 solar panels energy. Your solar power systems would have to work 24hrs a day which is not possible. Either you have to increase the solar panels or decrease your Solar Energy usage. It’s not a realistic expectation and that is just one example, be realistic and know the limitations of your system.
Number 5: Cheaper Option
A common perspective about solar energy panels is that it is going to eliminate all of your electric bills or decrease them drastically to almost nothing. It is not that simple because purchasing a cheaper and from an unknown brand can cost you more than your electricity bills for a year.
Solar energy panel price, solar panel installation, after-sales service repair, and technician visits can also be costly in your pocket. You can find useful deals in local markets and online shopping sites. But you are more likely to get scammed with Class B cells on panels or they are usually just cosmetic or performance impact. So always know what you are buying.
Number 6: Poor Solar Panel Installation Service
There are lots of things to consider when you hire someone for mounting your solar energy panels. We will talk about a couple quickly.
- Hiring an unprofessional cheaper service provider for mounting and solar panels energy installation will ruin your money and time.
- Solar energy panels have to face the Sun for most of the time of the day.
- The angle of mounting the solar panel needs to be somewhere between 30 to 45 degrees.
- This is not commonly known that the solar panel system itself is designed to run cool. There must be a gap between and under each panel. The air circulation between panels will help them to run at maximum productivity. Congested, overheated, and dirty surroundings will never allow efficient workability.
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